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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dealing with the text walls

The infamous text wall, alias: when you have so much text in one page, that you struggle to actually put drawings in it. If you read the second episode of Valley-01 you know what I mean. I felt like the writers should learn to contain themselves and leave something up to the drawings, then I fell in the same problem myself with the EKOenergy script.

The main problem with this script is that is an informative comic. We had to put a lot of informations in it, as well as some developing of a story, and common dialogue scenes. It has been indeed a challenge: I'm still cutting some words here and there to make the text fit the actual space in the page, and we agreed on adding an information page at the end, because we felt we haven't expressed everything we needed to in 30 pages of comic. All of this, in english, that has some of the shorter ways to express a sentence. 

It's harder than I thought to keep a reading flow that is not too boring for the reader. I'm learning to get creative on where to place text, and which angles to use to leave as much space as possible without cutting too much on the drawings. I've had similar issues in some of the Bilateral Comics pages before, but in this case I don't have the easy escape

The ups-and-downs of this job? Valley-01 #3, online from mid-october, is action full. I'm sure I'll miss the text walls as soon as I have to handle full art pages with multiple people fighting.

Speaking of Bilateral Comics, our new short story CODE 991 is launching this week and already got a very nice review - so keep tuned, read it, and let us know your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Anita, great to see the first balloons on the drawings of our EKOenergy Comic. That will help us (and the translators) to better understand the 'limits'. I cannot wait to start adding the texts. Today I also got the first pages in French (language nr 10), and the French sentences seem to be on average 20% longer than the English...
